Finding the Joy — What's new

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve had lots on my mind and I’ve sat down to write many times, but the words just don’t come or a baby wakes up or I get completely distracted talking to my husband. I’ve yet to perfect the art of writing during the day when I’m in the midst of schooling, playing and caring for the boys. I just haven’t been able to do it. So for now, it’s a fly by update to let you know how I’ve been “Finding the Joy” lately. (Remember that New Year’s post?)
1. It’s warming up! We’ve been so thankful for some nice days lately to be able to go outside and stretch a bit. It’s been warm enough to even have school outside a few days. As a side note, I completely underestimated how distracting the trash truck might be. The boys got up every 30 seconds to see if they were coming to get our trash.

School outside

2. I’ve learned to Find the Joy with messes. Let’s face it boys (well kids in general) make messes. I’ve had to learn to let go a little and allow them to experience the mess and delight in it.
Craft time


Soap Making with soap berries

3. We’ve been studying Medieval times with the older boys. So I’ve Found the Joy in sword fights, Knights, castles and teaching boys how to be men.
Sword fighting

Scooter jousting

Chocolate castle

4. We discovered food allergies. Okay, so there isn’t much Joy to find in having to rid our entire house of peanut butter (a staple in this house). In fact, it was really really scary. But I am so thankful that we have the ability to pay for the life saving medicine we need in case he has another reaction. I’m also really thankful that his first reaction wasn’t worse.
Scary stuff

5. We’ve had some great times with the cousins and grandparents. We have been finding the Joy in being closer to family.
Caterpillars came!

6. I’m teaching myself to crochet. Seriously, moms often feel like they wash, dry, teach, fold, cook, clean, rinse and repeat It feels like you never get anything done. So, I decided I needed to learn to do something that meets two criteria. First, it must be able to be picked up and put down relatively quickly without having to start over again. Second, it has to stay done. I needed to be able to have a project and have it stay done, like forever (or at least for a while). I really enjoy sewing but I can’t get fabric and a machine out very quickly and I don’t have room to leave it up…so that’s out. And hello! Pins + crawling baby = bad news. So, crochet it is. I’m making of list of “stay done” things I’d like to learn. Next on the list embroidery and guitar.
And now just a few pictures of the last few months. I *hope* to post more often. In fact, in my brain I’m working on a series…called “Feeding the crew”.
He loves to wear Daddy's flannel

Zeb discovered the dishwasher.

Play dough... Please don't eat it!

Don’t forget to Find the Joy!

Kansas Trip Pictures

Not totally wordless, but we’ve had a great trip back to Kansas visiting friends and family. We’ve met new friends and made new connections. It’s been a great trip! And while it wasn’t a “no work” vacation (I finished up teaching 2 classes and started teaching 2 while we were here), it’s been relaxing just the same.
Here are some pictures from our visit…


Zeke couldn't wait to get on the combine! He could have ridden for hours.

Walking back to the farm from the field.


My Gabe. He is such a brilliant young man!

Papa Don is always willing to take the little ones for a ride.

Uncle Scott is a sucker for Zeke when he asks for a ride on the 4 wheeler

My Otto, who is always dreaming.

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

My husband gave me a new camera for Valentines day this year. When he took his photography class for school, I lived vicariously through him. I enjoy the opportunity to exercise the “other side” of my brain sometimes, and taking pictures is a way for me to do that. It’s not something that is ever going to make money, but it’s something I enjoy and that is worth something. This week when I was playing outside with the kids, I was experimenting with showing depth in my photos. Below are some of the fruits of the day.

This is the spot where our garden will be later this spring.

I really like the texture in this picture.

The Aspen trees in front of our house are starting to bud.

I thought this was really fun to take, from the under-side of the tree.

Aspen bark is so fascinating to me. It shows the scars of even the smallest damage for years. Much like the heart I think.

These railroad ties line the front part of the rocks in front of our house.

I was having a delightful time shooting these and then...

A baby crawled into the shot. It certainly ads a different perspective don't you think?

I looked and looked for something green coming up in the world of brown. This weed was the only thing I could see with color. I didn't even pull it.

Perhaps my favorite photo subjects.