Weigh in Wednesday

So I haven’t posted in a couple weeks. Mostly because I haven’t been able to get my stuff together and post by Wednesday morning because I have been so busy packing for our move. And I have a confession to make…I haven’t been working out as much as I should have been. I know “too busy” isn’t a good excuse, but it’s the only one I have right now.
So here it is…

Last week This week
Starting Weight : 155.6 lbs. 156.6 lbs
Arms (upper): 12.5″ 12.5″
Waist : 38″ (at belly button) 38″
Thigh : 23″ 23″
Calf : 15.5″ 15.5″


Weigh in Wednesday and Link Up

Last week I took the plunge and showed you what I weigh. I’ll do it again this week too.
I have a confession to make though…it’s not about numbers for me. It really isn’t. I’m not sure I even have a “goal weight” in mind here. I have a goal feeling. I want to feel fit, I want to feel healthy, I want to feel good. Sure I know what I weighed when I got married or before I had my first son, but for me it’s really not about reaching either of those numbers. It is more important that I am healthy and fit for my children and my family. I don’t want to huff and puff when I run with my kids. The numbers are there just to help me track my progress.
I do have some definite goals in mind though. I encourage you if you’re going on this journey with me that you set some goals for yourself, both short term and long term. Here are a couple of mine to get you started and then we’ll talk “numbers”.
1. Run a 5K without stopping and in less than 45 minutes. (Remember how last week I said I don’t really like to run? I still don’t, so hitting this one will be a biggie for me).
2. Do 40 burpees at the end of each workout. If you don’t know what these are they’re intense, kind of miserable, but a great all over body workout.
3. Kick my sugar addiction. Seriously. It’s an addiction. I’m still in the detox mode and have had to get it all out of my house otherwise I’ll eat it. The first 3 days were the worst, but I still have a craving every afternoon, so none in the house (believe it or not this also meant getting rid of chocolate chips…they were my “if I need a really bad fix” food).
4. Do 10 pull ups. This might be a longer term goal for me considering I can’t do one without my feet being on a chair, but I’m working on it.
5. I want to be comfortable enough with how I look that I can sit without folding my arms to hide my belly. I have be subconsciously doing this for months, every time I sit and even when I’m standing my arms are crossed over my stomach. I don’t want to do that. It makes me look unfriendly first of all and secondly it’s not very flattering. I want to stop it and not feel like everyone is looking at my muffin top.
So those are my “big” goals for this who deal. I have smaller ones each day, like I’m going to eat more protein, I’m going to cut out unnecessary carbs at supper, I’m going to workout for an hour tonight.

So here we go, my numbers for this week (with last week for comparison)

Last week This week
Starting Weight : 157.6 lbs. 155.6 lbs (2 pounds! woot woot!)
Arms (upper): 13″ 12.5″
Waist : 38.5″ (at belly button) 38″
Thigh : 23.5″ 23″
Calf : 15.5″ 15.5″

Wednesday Link Up

I’ve decided after reviewing Fit moms for Life to do something that we women are never supposed to do. I’m going to tell you what I weigh. Every Wednesday.
It’s probably the scariest and most daring thing I’ve ever done. But I’m doing it to keep myself accountable, to give you encouragement and to show that it can be done. After Knox died I dove into exercise to help me deal with my grief. I didn’t want to take antidepressants and so I started running. I lost about 15 pounds and felt great. When I got pregnant with Lily, I kind of slacked off on my running, but still watched what I ate and tried to keep kind of fit. But when she died too…I just couldn’t make myself start running again. It felt better to wallow a bit with food than it did to exercise. I stepped on the scale the other day and about fell over. I gained back all of the weight I’d lost and then some.
I had the opportunity then to review the book Fit moms for Life and decided to do something about it. After the testing we’ve had done after Lily’s birth I’m at higher risk for blood clots and other issues with the cardiovascular system, so I’d better do something about it now. That’s where you come in.
Every Wednesday I’m going to weigh in and post my starting weight, previous week’s weight and current weight. I’ll also be including body measurements and probably something about my diet or workout from the week. You’re here to keep me accountable. And humble.
I invite you to come on this journey with me. I’ll be hosting a link up so if you have a blog and have a healthy tip, recipe to share or want to join me for Wednesday weigh in you can add your link. We are here to encourage each other and cheer each other on, so only positive comments will be approved. Be nice, we’re all starting at different places, different paces and are taking different steps. So here we go!

Week 1 (7/18/12)


Starting Weight : 157.6 lbs.

Arms (upper): 13″
Waist : 38.5″ (at belly button)
Thigh : 23.5″
Calf : 15.5″
Let’s do this!!