Thoughtful Thursday

I have been blessed this week by my children. My kids are the greatest kids on the planet. Really they are. They always have an endless supply of hugs and kisses to help make my day brighter. The stuff that comes out of their mouths cracks me up. They love me just how I am. And they forgive me.

Newflash: I’m not the perfect mom, I’m not the perfect wife and sometimes I have a genuinely rotten day. And I fail miserably. I want my home to be a safe, happy, warm place for my family. When my children look back on growing up and being with mommy I want them to smile and be happy. I hope they do. But this last week I had a bad day. I was short tempered, I yelled and I was just sour. My home was not happy. I had to ask for forgiveness more than once for losing my temper, saying hurtful things and in generally making life way too stressful.

As a side note I’ve noticed that my “bad” days are usually days that I try to cram too much into my day and on days that I try to juggle too many things. I plan on letting some of these things drop in the near future. But I’m working on setting boundaries for work and family. I no longer answer the phone during school time. I even shut it off during our field trip the other day. And I make sure that I spend time with them just playing (something I’ve been neglecting for far too long).

But my children blessed me. They blessed me by being forgiving, still loving me and still wanting to spend time with me. At the end of the day, they all wanted to snuggle up and cuddle on the couch, and we did. I was thankful. Despite my failings as a mother, my children look at me and see a mom they love and they know that even when I have a bad day I still love them and it’s all okay.

I was blessed this last week by my children, despite the muddy floor, dirty clothes, spilt milk and cereal. I was blessed by my kids. I was blessed by their unconditional love and their willingness to accept me as an imperfect mom.

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