Finding my voice

I’ve been pretty quiet in the blogging world the last few years. Life has been busy and I wasn’t always sure where I’d want to go or what I wanted to share. So I sat quiet…I keep renewing my domain name and hosting plan “just in case” I would ever find my voice again.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure I had much worth sharing anymore. I stopped blogging during a period of extreme hurt and difficulty because I didn’t want it to be my platform to vent. I posted some with brief updates and shared a few thoughts off and on, but it just never felt like things would come together. So, it’s been on the back burner.

This year, my renewal came up, I backed up my files and prepared to let it all expire. I even waited to renew my domain name until the very last day and then didn’t have a hosting site for a long time. But something about it…so much of what I shared…I just didn’t feel right letting it all go. So I found a new (cheaper) hosting plan and transferred my content over.

I’ve found in the process that my images didn’t always come with the content, so while the posts are the same…pictures may be missing. I am still trying to figure it all out, but for now…my posts are here, I am here and I hope to find my voice again enough to post more than twice a year.


Rosfeld family update

Things have been quiet on the blogging front for the last few years. As I hope to ease back into posting regularly,  I thought you might like a little update about what’s been going on with our family.

In a nutshell, life is busy. Life with 7 boys is busy. Life homeschooling 7 boys, raising goats and chickens, and working full time is busy. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Our boys are 15, 13, 9,7,4 (almost 5), 3, and 16 months. There is always something going on here! I recently had the opportunity for all of them to visit Grandma’s house for a day while I worked. It was harder than I expected to concentrate without the normal background noise I’m used to.

This last week we had our 20 week sonogram for baby #8. The boys were excited to find out the gender of this little one. A couple of the boys have been wishing for a sister and a couple of them were really hoping for another boy.

They wanted to do egg roulette as a gender reveal. If you’re not familiar with the concept, we boiled 17 eggs and left 1 raw. We dyed half the eggs blue and half pink. The color of the raw egg represented the gender of the baby. Then each boy took a turn smashing the egg on his head to see who got the ‘lucky’ egg.

Here’s the video we shot of the gender reveal…this is truly what’s it is like to live at our house. 🙂 Enjoy!